A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

Mutation Testing & a Whirlwind Tour of Ruby Projects

  • Tuesday 3rd February, 6.30pm
  • ShopKeep POS, Alexander House (1st Floor), 17 Ormeau Avenue - Get Directions
Register for Event

February will be host to our first meetup of 2015 and we can't wait to catch up with everyone and hopefully welcome a few new faces. We've got two great talks lined up, suited to both the aspiring and experienced Rubyists among us. So keep your Tuesday evening free and pop over to Shopkeep's office for some inspiration and practical tips.

We all know that we should test our code. It gives us confidence and prevents bugs creeping in. During the evening you’ll learn how to take testing one step further by testing your tests, as Dean Barnett discusses mutation testing.

Following Dean, fellow ShopKeep developer Stephen Rushe will take us on a tour of Ruby projects, exploring how Ruby exists beyond Rails by looking at some interesting projects.

If that isn’t enough, there’ll be drinks and free pizza kindly supplied by FourStarPizza. We hope to see you there!