A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

Beer, Wings & Code Chat

  • Tuesday 5th August, 6.30pm
  • The Hudson Bar, 10-12 Gresham St, Belfast BT1 1JN - Get Directions
Register for Event

After a short summer break, we're looking forward to catching up with everyone at our forthcoming meetup. This month we will be meeting at The Hudson bar, where we encourage you to grab a drink, enjoy the tasty chicken wings on offer and get talking about Ruby.

Much like our previous Lean Coffee meetup, we’re holding a structured but agenda-less meeting where we’ll spend the evening discussing development-related topics. You can post your topic suggestions to our Trello Board prior to the meetup.

On the night we’ll pick out the discussion topics that interest everyone. So come along to The Hudson on Tuesday and share your thoughts over a few casual drinks. We hope to see you there!