A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

Lean Coffee

  • Tuesday 3rd June, 6.30pm
  • The Hudson Bar, 10-12 Gresham St, Belfast BT1 1JN - Get Directions
Register for Event

Rather than our usual talks, we are trying something a little different at this month's meetup. We're holding a structured, but agenda-less meeting at The Hudson Bar, and using a format known as 'Lean Coffee,' we'll spend the evening discussing development-related topics proposed by you.

We’ve created a Trello board to allow everyone to suggest topics they’d be interested in talking/hearing about. Make sure you post your idea prior to the meetup! Then on the night, everyone can vote for the topics they’d like to discuss and we’ll talk through the most popular ones.

Come along to The Hudson and we’ll share our thoughts over a few drinks. If you want to find out more about how this “lean coffee” format will work, take a read at this gist. Hopefully we’ll see you there!