A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

Sidekiq, Ruby & Life outside Rails

  • Tuesday 6th May, 6.30pm
  • ShopKeep POS, Alexander House (1st Floor), 17 Ormeau Avenue - Get Directions
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During our next meetup, we'll be exploring how we can use Sidekiq in our Ruby projects to make background processing much simpler, and more efficient. Following this, we'll be looking at how and when to hone the power of Ruby without using Rails. Come along, sit down and enjoy some code talk with a cold beer.

David Kennedy of Shopkeep will present his talk, “An Adventure in Sidekiq: Millions of rows. One missing. Shenanigans!” He’ll be discussing asynchronous workers in Rails, the problems they solve and the pitfalls they present.

In his talk “Life outside Rails,” Stephen McCullough of Six Degree Labs will take a look at what lies beyond the familiar framework, and how and when not using Rails will make more sense for your project.