A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

TDD & Getting Started with Jekyll

  • Tuesday 4th March, 6.30pm
  • ShopKeep POS, Alexander House (1st Floor), 17 Ormeau Avenue - Get Directions
Register for Event

This month we're holding two talks catered to both the experienced Ruby developers and the newcomers. One talk focuses on using Test Driven Development methods in your development workflow, while the other illustrates how to get started with Jekyll and GitHub Pages.

Barry Gordon from ShopKeep will be talking about TDD, discussing how you can use the principles in your Ruby development process. He’ll be lending a helping hand during the workshops with getting set up with TDD/Ruby learning tool, Ruby Koans.

Following this, Coby Chapple from GitHub will be demonstrating how to set up a free website using Jekyll, a ruby-based open source static site generator, and deploy it using GitHub Pages. Bring your laptop if you’d like help on getting your Jekyll sites up and running on the night.