A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

Build Conf Special

  • Tuesday 22nd May, 6.30pm
  • Rumble Labs, 2nd Floor, 21 Ormeau Avenue - Get Directions
Register for Event

A special, Build Conf Belfast Ruby event will be taking place on Wednesday 14th November. We’ve managed to convince a few awesome Rubyists attending Build to come do some lightning talks (5-10 minutes). The lineup is still being finalised but confirmed so far we have Elliott Kember and Jason Cale.

Everyone is welcome to attend Belfast Ruby (not just Build attendees) so come on round if you fancy something a bit more technical during Build week. If you want to do a Ruby lightning talk, you’re most welcome.

After the talks we will be providing pizza for everyone before heading over to the University of Ulster for an Evening with Kickstarter.