A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

Testing Ruby & Rails

  • Tuesday 22nd May, 6.30pm
  • Rumble Labs, 2nd Floor, 21 Ormeau Avenue - Get Directions
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Testing can often be seen as a chore, or something that only testers do. This is an opportunity to peer into the world of agile testing practices were tests become the driver for how you build your code and the code's documentation, while providing a fast feedback mechanism, helping to ensure that your last push didn't bork anything

We’ll first take a look at using the Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) Methodology with Ruby, to create well tested and documented code which meets the requirements and nothing more. The talk will be led by Zak Grant of Rumble Labs.

After this, David Kennedy of Examtime will be looking at a case study: How ExamTime use TDD technologies on some real projects, the issues we’ve faced integrating the various different libraries, and how we use CI to pull everything together.