A Community of Aspiring & Experienced Ruby Developers in Belfast

Belfast Ruby burger

A community of aspiring & experienced Ruby developers in Belfast

Ruby Without Rails

  • Tuesday 27th March, 6.30pm
  • 21 Social, 1 Hill Street, Cathedral Quarter - Get Directions
Register for Event

At our first Meetup we covered an introduction to Ruby the language and one of it's major uses, Ruby on Rails. The reality is though, that Ruby can be used with much more. This is a chance to see what Ruby without Rails can let you do. For this evening we have two short talks that cover different approaches in using Ruby to develop web applications.

We will be having a brief talk about another use of Ruby for web development, Sinatra. Sinatra is a Domain Specific Language for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort. By Steven Wilkin.

We’re going to look at what is possible when you take the Rails stack to the bare minimum. We’ll also take a detour to Rack the modular web server interface Rails now supports and the flexibility and power that provides. By David Rice of Rumble Labs.

After it will be time to get hacking on any project you like! Our experts in black t-shirts will be roaming around answering questions and lending a hand. So come along, sit down with a beer and get coding.